Friday, January 13, 2012

Pastor's Circle - Mark Durie

Dr. Mark Durie is the vicar of St. Mary's Anglican Church in Caulfield, Victoria, Australia. He came on The Matt Friedeman Show to discuss the spiritual impact of what we allow into our lives. Here are the "CliffsNotes" of his interview.

In your church, what kind of things do you encourage that promote a deeper spirituality?
One of the things I've found to be truly important is to be cleaned up. We come into church with all this baggage.

Obviously we need to repent, but how do we take that a step further? The process of cleaning up our lives is very important.
What are some influences that you've helped people deal with?
I've met some people who have a lot of trouble with gambling and things like that. A lot of times they had an experience when they were younger, and the imprint stayed on their lives.

I pray for them that God would not only take away the current problem, but also take away the imprint of that experience on their lives.
How do you "un-imprint"?
I think it's owning your own decisions, the things that you've bought into. Part of the key is things that you've come to believe that are false.

It's not just about rejecting the sin, it's rejecting the lies that Satan has brought into your life through the sin. Part of it is just a decision, but also a careful process of cutting off is very important.
What are some positive experiences that imprint on our lives?
Sometimes we encounter God unexpectedly and miraculously. Those experiences are important, and should be honored and treasured.

Peter's whole experience of realizing his own sin, and also God's grace and mercy had a huge impact on him. When we experience God's grace, we need to allow those experiences to shape us.
Are there any regular habits that leave an imprint?
I think it's to do with the way truth works. You can believe that something's true and know that it's right, but for that to really permeate your life, it's not enough just to have that one insight.

You have to nurture that in your life. We can claim what's good and healthy in our lives through meditating on what's true.

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