Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pastor's Circle - Daniel Ketchum

In today's Pastor's Circle: Daniel Ketchum, Director of Nazarene Missions International. Dr. Ketchum talked about how God is working locally and internationally.

How is mission giving during this recession?
Most churches are still very committed to give beyond themselves, beyond their own communities and states and counties.

We're seeing mission giving fairly stable; there have been some reductions in various denominations.

Different denominations are experiencing different outcomes. But God is not troubled at all. He is still in control.
What can I do, as a pastor, to excite my congregation about missions?
There are several things.

First, to share stories as much as possible.

Second, to pray for missionaries as much as possible.

Third, to show video clips. This is great for Sunday morning services.

Fourth, to invite missionaries to come in and speak. This is a great way to excite people about God's work.

And lastly, to create partnerships with missionaries beyond shorter trips.
Is there enough money to send the younger generation to send them overseas?
I believe that the denominations will continue to give adequately to be able to continue God's work overseas.

It's not only essential, but we're going to see the sustaining of prayer support and financial support that needs to happen.

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